Real Time with Alexis Pereira

New rule: In the next election, Democrats have to start using a word that they don’t use very often. It’s a controversial word that can mean many things, but it’s a word that the American people need to hear. That word?


::turns to camera::

I know. I know. You’re saying, “Democrat? Those extremists coming for our guns and our oil?”


Democrat. The people who won over 50% of the vote in 2008 and 2012.

Democrat. The people who gave healthcare to the poor and sick and made it better for the middle class.

Democrat. The people who ended the unpaid wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Alison Grimes, the Democratic Senate candidate in Kentucky, was asked who she voted for President, and she refused to disclose her answer. Say what you want about the American people.

And use big words so they don’t understand you.

But you know what Americans hate the most? A coward. They can smell when somebody is gonna drop their gun and run from the battle. Hell, we still can’t get the gun off of Charlton Heston, and his hands are cold and dead.

Democrats didn’t even run a Senate candidate in Kansas. You think if McDonald’s, which makes billions a day, was losing ground to Burger King in Kansas they would close down their restaurants and give up?

No, they’d open up more restaurants and fill you up with even more shit until you got sick and died.

You know, like the Republicans.

Ok that’s our show! Thank you, you’re a great crowd, I’d like to thank Reza Aslan, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Kristen Gillibrand, Dr. Oz, and Kevin Hart, and join us a little later on Overtime.